Quad9 Turns the Sony Case Around in Dresden

azdle@news.idlestate.org to Technology@beehaw.org – 69 points –
Quad9 Turns the Sony Case Around in Dresden | Quad9

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Italian Blocking Demands: Following a Bad Example

While [Quad9's] case in Germany has been found in favor of Quad9, we have been served with another demand from commercial interests in an EU nation to block domain names, again based on alleged copyright violations. Italian legal representatives have presented us with a list of domains and a demand for blocking those domains. Now we must again determine the path to take forward fighting this legal battle, in another nation in which we are neither headquartered nor have any offices or corporate presence.

Oh look, my country wasting time on meaningless things as always.

Unfortunately, this is not only your country which is wasting time on meaningless (and sometimes harmful) things. If big (!) business is involved, there is no such thing as a "country" imho. It's just big corporations and the rest.