I'm concerned that the continued existence of a certain post is normalizing Doxxing "people we don't like", and that's not okay.

th3raid0r@beehaw.org to Chat@beehaw.org – 24 points –

Totally expect to see a sea of "Nazi Sympathizer" comments, but look. I don't think we should be Doxxing anyone so that we don't invite folks to Doxx us.

I don't think this is radical, but apparently this opinion is somehow tantamount to being an actual Nazi in that thread.

I don't wish to remain in a community that says that Doxxing is bad unless we disagree with the victim - and I think that the post's continued existence communicates this. Sure, it's a federated post and not from our community, but honestly, I think it should be removed from Beehaw. I've already removed it from my tucson.social instance since I'm in no mood to deal with retaliatory doxxing.

Post link - https://beehaw.org/post/10286519

To be clear, the Moderators have been removing the worst offending comments since the article itself doesn't actually Dox anyone, but navigating to the source thread on lemmy.ml provides easy access to ALL the doxxed information. As such, I think the whole post should be removed and/or locked.

Update: Post has been removed - I have no further issues. As an aside - good lord Beehaw - I get it I'm a Nazi apparently. I'll get out of your hair and delete my account later this evening. Sheesh.


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This is a pretty wild claim. Care to elaborate what you mean?

Based on user action and discussion, it pretty well seemed like this instance and a few others were built for the express purpose, or at minimum carved out and set aside space for the express purpose, of corralling and targeting harassment campaigns.

Which included, but was not limited to, doxxing the targets.

And literally here in this thread, multiple users with bigger than the thread average upvotes, are defending both the specific instance of doxxing as well as the concept in general.

Its pretty clear from this post right here that the instance is a pro doxx instance. What about my comment was wild?

My thoughts on the topic of this thread aside, you claim we have built a reputation for this. I would ask that you provide other examples of this. I have been fairly active on beehaw for quite a few months now and have not seen this behavior. You may say I am biased as I am a mod on the platform, but I do truly think beehaw does its best to uphold its ethos. And what you claim the "point of beehaw" is, is directly antithetical to our ethos.

Sure, read this thread. Op accused of being a secret nazi plant, multiple people defending doxxing, screenshots of your discord doing the same, someone calling me a troll for having this understanding of this instance while actively defending doxxing in the comments calling me a liar and troll for saying this is a pro doxx space, and me, an outsider, being surprised that this wasnt a common understanding within your community.

I think thats a fairly good sample size, no? You guys wrote most of this thread.

You made the claim that this place has developed a "reputation", which implies it being among other people than just you, here, now.

Are you asking me to make a post in another instance, asking for people to come here and vouch for me? Because thats entirely inappropriate.

And I cant exactly search lemmy in any successful way to find likely months old comment chains. Even if the search function wasnt borked, I dont memorize every post title and convo chain Ive read per instance.

Thats an insanely unreasonable ask, especially given the direct proof of pro doxx mentality this post already shows.

I didn't ask for any of that.

Do you often find that when you encounter simple statements, you then spin them into wild and far-reaching demands in your mind, that somehow also just happen to reinforce the fear you already expressed feeling?

Didnt you? What other proof would you be asking for?

And what fear? Are you responding to the right comment?

E: unless youre playing the "technically, I didnt ask the question, I just responded directly supporting it" but if thats your game you know thats nonsense

If you want me to be more direct, I'll do it:

There is no reputation for Beehaw being a place that allows, conducts, directs, or supports doxxing or brigading. I won't ask you to provide proof of a reputation otherwise, because I know you can't. You can forgo the charade of fake justifications for why you won't provide what we both know isn't there.

I did a LOT of reading on fediverse communities about different instances before I settled on joining Beehaw, and the entire reason I ended up here is because Beehaw has the (very valid) reputation for being a "safe space", quite the opposite from what you're claiming.

This entire post is full of heavily upvoted defenses of doxxing, including from some of the people telling me the same thing you are saying while actively defending doxxing.

But since direct proof going on around you """doesnt count,""" of course I wouldnt be able to find anything that would be enough proof for you. You have made it clear this wasnt about proof, its about blindly defending your in group.

Im glad you did loads of research before settling down. I guess that makes the (very valid) doxxing reputation that your communities actions here have reinforced magically turn to dust? But your "research" clearly couldnt have been wrong, so this post and everyone in it must be a hallucination of mine.

Apparently you either cannot or will not differentiate between people saying, "you know what, I don't really care if a bunch of literal Nazis got doxxed" (which folks here did say), and "let's doxx people here" (which folks here did not say), and that just speaks more about your inability to interact with nuance than it indicates anything about your moral stances.

I already have multiple beehaw users following me and harassing me. Including "brand new" accounts from other instances. Youve made your point, fuck you and your little club. Im blocking the instance before one of you follows through with the threats.

I already have multiple beehaw users following me and harassing me. Including “brand new” accounts from other instances.

the threats

Press X to doubt...

But if you're actually getting threatening PMs, flag them to the mods.

This thread that you just now found, yet Beehaw has a history of this?


Edit: I was scrolling all and came across another thread, and happened to respond to them. Forgive me for participating on the Internet.

Too late for them to see this. Oh well.

The thread a different person made, bringing up a concerning trend they dont like seeing here?

That was in the All tab, like every other post made on lemmy?

What point do you even think youre making?

E: nvm stalker, blocked