Best way to customize the share menu? to – 32 points –

I don't like how my friends, family, and work contacts are mixed in to the menu when I press share. I see a random jumble of people from various apps on my device.

I want to clean it up and just keep a few apps there (ex. Copy to clipboard, open in Firefox, share to signal) and remove the rest. Is this possible anymore?

Some old threads suggest ShareDr but I can't install it since it's for an older version of Android


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Not sure if it can be done. The Android share menu has been a shit show for years. I also really wish this would be addressed.

What? You don't like a little adventure of "where the fuck did that contact go" or "where the hell is that app icon and why has it changed themes entirely again?"

"What? You don't want to share this to someone you haven't spoken to in a year?"