Twitch allowing more nudity after disproportionately banning female streamers | Twitch confirmed its policy banning nudity was sexist.

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Twitch allowing more nudity after disproportionately banning female streamers

Twitch allowing more nudity after disproportionately banning female streamers | Twitch confirmed its policy banning nudity was sexist.::Twitch confirmed its policy banning nudity was sexist.


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I disagree. At one point in time it was society saying black people couldn't eat with white people and it was people and companies willing to push that boundary that changed this.

We are all members of society and it is on us to constantly push back against the unfair traditions in our community.

Did you just equate Jim Crow with not being able to see titties on a mainstream streaming site?

You know you can see titties on other streaming sites, right?

This is just a bad strawman. People want equality, not titties. Jim Crow is only used as a analogy to show that pushing back on inequalities is a good thing, and "we're just following societal standards" isn't a really good excuse.

Yikes why even reply to people if you want to be this deliberately dishonest.

Yikes, you’re the one who brought up Jim Crow in the context of seeing titties on twitch.

How else am I supposed to interpret your desire for society to progress when you go from Jim Crow straight to “free the nipple”

You could have brought of women’s suffrage or any other women’s struggle, but you chose the racism side of things.

How dare wanting to treat people fairly be cited when wanting to treat people fairly. Time to strawman that people just want boobies.

I would have to sit here wading through accusations and strawmans to try and get anything through to you. That's why it's a yikes because you don't care to be more mature than a 15 year old about this and it show.