What games evoked emotions for you? Which ones really hit you in the feels?

3rdBlueWizard@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 81 points –

For me, in no particular order:

  • Firewatch
  • This War of Mine
  • What Remains of Edith Finch
  • Gone Home
  • Papers Please
  • Doki Doki Literature Club
  • I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream

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The Witcher 3. Sometimes there were no good choices to make and one had to choose the better of two bad outcomes. Sometimes the obvious good choice led to bad things happening to a village. That game was a rollercoaster of emotions.

I also second This War of Mine.

I fell into a week long depression after finishing the game for the first time. For me the Witcher 3 is the best story you'll find in a game, period.

Arguably the best story telling in a game. Each side quest was given a lot of attention to detail and never felt like any were copy-paste jobs.