Why all of a sudden tech companies are not being favorable to their users?

lionkoy5555@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 1572 points –

YouTube disallowing adblockers, Reddit charging for API usage, Twitter blocking non-registered users. These events happen almost at the same time. Is this one of the effects of the tech bubble burst?


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The thing with AI is that it is both a parasite to the content it is trained on and an alternative to it because people who ask AI don't ask in forums

These tech giants are searching for a way to keep everyone happy but I honestly don't see any

Reddit just realized it has been sitting on a pile of gold the entire time and now it wants to reap its rewards

Makes me wish there was a way to force them to remove everything I ever posted on their site.

But... It's their site and I put the shit there. Who knew it would come to this, though?

You can use powerDeleteSuite to delete everything from your reddit account

Word on the street is reddit just restores the comments and posts you mass delete. Haven't tried myself so I'm not sure but that's what I've been seeing around lemmy.

Not in my experience, only a handful of comments were restored after 2 weeks in my account, just delete them manually and you're good to go

Good to know, thanks. I think the people who did have that happen used reddit delete suite or one of those

I know there have been some programs that rewrite your comments with other content. This makes it so that Reddit can't restore what you had there originally.