Joe Rogan Mistakenly Blasts Biden’s Mental Fitness Over Something Trump Actually Said to Not The – 1113 points –
Joe Rogan Mistakenly Blasts Biden’s Mental Fitness Over Something Trump Actually Said

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I watched a couple of episodes years ago. One with Wim Hof, and one with a guy talking about Terrence Mckenna. They were interesting enough, but I never got hooked. It sounds like the show has gone downhill from there.

He really fell into the alt-right "manosphere" crowd after Covid restrictions started rolling out I think. Those really put a damper on his two business and personal interests outside of his podcast: stand up comedy, and MMA. It was so much he moved his studio from LA to somewhere in Texas where they obviously didn't give a shit about Covid.

He jumped the shark well before, but with COVID and the aftermath he straight up used the sharks for waterskis.

Well what do you know? Those are also the only episodes I ever went through. Maybe also one about Bitcoin... was Andreas Antonopoulos ever a guest? But don't answer that, it's not important, what's important is that this toxic meathead detoured into q-anon territory, then went off like an excrement bomb on the internet, not unlike infowars a few years earlier, and I have no interest in either, may they rot far away from my mind.