There's no such thing as a conservative intellectual — only apologists for right-wing power

HLMenckenFan@lemmy.worldmod to politics – 55 points –
There's no such thing as a conservative intellectual — only apologists for right-wing power

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I’m a leftie, but I’ve found my beliefs challenged, altered and enriched by debating right wing intellectuals.

It’s possible for two ideas to be equally right and incompatible

I’ve had multiple conversations with very smart traditional conservatives who argue for personal freedom and often libertarian economic foundations (although I think they are very wrong). However none of the ones I respect identify with the right wing movements in the US and UK (and other countries) over the recent years.

So while I agree with you, I think this post is trying to say “the current popular right wing movement”.

I don't know if I agree that they can be equally right and incompatible. I think there can be shreds of truth scattered throughout different ideas and that you can pick them out and use that to construct an actual truth, though, so I guess I agree with your overall sentiment. I also agree with the fact that open conversation and an exchange of ideas is for the best, but I haven't found many conservative ideas to hold water under scrutiny even if the conversation is ultimately helpful.

I think there are times when your values dictate your opinion rather than the facts.

There’s a reason logic isn’t what sells cars, skin care and fashion.

We’re emotional creatures.

A strong opposition should help reign in excesses of either side, and we should crave it.

There are ideas that originate on the right and are embraced in the left - universal basic income comes to mind.