Fitting gaming into your schedule to – 788 points –

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I used to make time for gaming with my friends every day by sacrificing my sleep. I only realized how much it messed with my health once I started getting a full 8 hours of sleep. Now I mostly play during the weekends.

9 hours of sleep gang. Blows my mind people can feel ok with less than 8 (or do they just not know???)

People are not equal with sleep.

Some people don't need as much sleep as others.

Try getting old. I used to want 9 or so. These days, I seem to just wake up after about 7 hours. I don't really use an alarm anymore. I just get up when I am awake and know that getting back to sleep isn't going to happen. Even nights after a good workout, I pop awake after about 6 1/2 to 7 hours. Never used to be this way. But, I just seem to need less these days.

i need just around 6 hours to feel ok and last till 12 pm