Done with Twitter and Reddit to – 1882 points –

I have been on the edge with twitter and reddit for a while and I have finally deleted my accounts that I have had for a very long time there. They are no longer the places I used to know, even more so with twitter. I am ready for my new time here and on mastodon.

Hello Lemmy


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Same here, I am all in with fediverse. I will soon delete both my reddit and twitter profiles, I hope that more people will follow soon. ps: make sure to send a GDPR claim to both so that they purge all of your contributions to the site ( reddit posts/ comments ect... ), this is the only way that they will be able to see how badly they are running these services.

How do you send the GDPR request?

just send an email to reddit and use chatgpt to write a request for you. mention your account username / email and request deletion of personal data + posts (account in general) from reddit / twitter as perrmited under gdpr.