Done with Twitter and Reddit to – 1882 points –

I have been on the edge with twitter and reddit for a while and I have finally deleted my accounts that I have had for a very long time there. They are no longer the places I used to know, even more so with twitter. I am ready for my new time here and on mastodon.

Hello Lemmy


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Welcome to the platform! Unfortunately, Reddit isn't what it used to be, but we definitely can reignite the community that we all so fondly remember. Already loving it here and how friendly everyone has been :)

Reddit was sucking for a bit. I'm really hopeful that the majority that made the jump are the more "quality" posters (for lack of a better word) and that this place will be a lot more like the reddit that we all look back fondly on

Same, I'm trying to be more active in terms of at least commenting and upvoting than I was on Reddit, a little bit because I hope more comments and activity will help bring in more people, and a little bit because I think each user's voice is more important when there's fewer users