What's some amazing technology they have in Japan that's very normal but as a blow your mind here

egitalian@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 97 points –

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We all know a yank asked this one. They always assume we are all from the US.

Well yea, you’re from Michigan.

The person you replied to is from Nevada.

I don’t see the problem here.

No we just assume that if you know the question’s directed at Americans you’ll be an adult about it

It gets tiring constantly seeing Americans treat the Internet like it's for them whilst people from other countries have to change the way they type so that Americans can understand better

You’re perfectly welcome to make your own spaces, and assume they’re for you.

Americans don't have to make a US variant of every community though regardless of if the person who created it was from the US or if the topic even relates to the US at all