Help encourage more reddit subs to move to Lemmy! Message the moderators of the subs you'd like to see on Lemmy. Here's an example script. to – 82 points –

Moving to the fediverse

Hi guys, are you familiar with the fediverse? It's an open-source reddit-alternative that is owned and run by no one. So it doesn't suffer from the threat of a single hostile entity making drastic, unwanted changes, as we recently saw with reddit, resulting in the side-wide protests.

It would be great to have your subreddit join the fediverse! If you do, I would suggest not using, as it's already the largest instance and it's better to spread things out so no one has too much control.


You can even create your own instance like /r/futurology and /r/piracy did, If you do, you may want to seed your community with content

Once you make a community on Lemmy you could sticky a post in your sub to let your community know, and/or create an automod sticky in each thread.


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I would move an entire group of fighting games reddits over here but there's no automoderator or mod toolbox equivalent. Until lemmy gets that basic functionality it's moot to try and moderate anything at a high level

Honestly? Please try it. First I think you will not have as many problems because the platform is much smaller than Reddit so it won't be as targeted as some popular Reddit subs are. Second, I think I can help developing the tools you need but it gets a lot easier to do so when working with an actual use case in mind.

As as big fighting game player I await you. At the very least maybe we need our own improved version of kappa