Training Generative AI Models on Copyrighted Works Is Fair Use - Change My Mind to – 50 points –

I fucked with the title a bit. What i linked to was actually a mastodon post linking to an actual thing. but in my defense, i found it because cory doctorow boosted it, so, in a way, i am providing the original source here.

please argue. please do not remove.


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You've already done a fine job of explaining exactly what's wrong with your position. You think you're entitled to the fruits of others' labor. It's as simple as that.

You think you’re entitled to the fruits of others’ labor.

this isn't what I said. it's a straw man.

My guy, you think you can just write off everyone's argument by just assigning it some words you read on Wikipedia.

It's literally exactly what you said. You're moving the goal posts.

it's not what I said. I'm not relying on Wikipedia: I'm relying on my degree.

Oh okay so now you're just appealing to authority?


this response also reads like an appeal to ridicule. if you can't explain what's wrong with my position, maybe you shouldn't be speaking about my position.

You’ve already done a fine job of explaining exactly what’s wrong with your position

I've only stated my position. I haven't actually provided any justification one way or the other. your suggestion that I have sounds like gas lighting.

Your argument that you haven't explained yourself sounds like an argument ad absurdum.