Man sues Macy’s, saying false facial recognition match led to jail assault to – 246 points –

Retailers increasingly are using facial recognition software to patrol their stores for shoplifters and other unwanted customers. But the technology’s accuracy is highly dependent on technical factors — the cameras’ video quality, a store’s lighting, the size of its face database — and a mismatch can lead to dangerous results.

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Is this not a case of an unavailable accusers? In other words, Traffic Cams have time and again been overturned as unconstitutional because you have the right to face your accusers?

Pretty sure Tom from IT can rustle up a laptop to take to court but...Facial Recog. is some bullshit 1984 bullshit.

They did a lineup with the cashier too I believe. Just another example of eye witnesses being useless.

Not just that, according to his lawyers in the article, he was 2 thousand miles away when the robberies happened that he was "identified" as being at.

After experiencing my own false memories and how easy they came to me, I will never, ever trust an eyewitness account. Give me video proof or gtfo.

No one should trust another human's account as being 100% accurate and true. The only thing that's trustworthy are recordings from secure sources.

Video proof can be deepfaked now. We’ll need to have recordings capture public keys of people in frame so they can be verified as real or not.