Is climate change sending us towards an apocalypse, or will it just make life shit/hard? to No Stupid – 96 points –

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I'm worried that we won't be able to support the population we have. Lower quality of life I can handle. Famine and starvation is frightening. I hate to say it, but we'll probably be ok in North America. The rest of the world, fuck.

I wonder what will happen when we have 200-300 million refugees roaming the globe due to climate change...

Bangladesh alone is 170 million.

I'm surprised my comment above was downvoted. If people aren't worried about food they are missing the most important thing we need.

What do you reckon the time-scale is for things to start kicking off? 10-20 years?

Crop failures could happen at any moment, we're already seeing it to some extent. We pushed the global population to the point where a single event (Ukraine) is bad for global supply.