More Gen Z Americans identify as LGBTQ than as Republican to – 1398 points –
More Gen Z Americans identify as LGBTQ than as Republican

let's gooo


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Golly I remember once on Reddit saying that people should vote and by howdy did a whole bunch of angry people vote me down double digits because, you see, apparently voting doesn't matter and I made people feel sad.

To be fair, I've voted my whole adult life and don't really feel like anything is better off because of it. I will continue to vote for the lesser evil, but I also completely understand why people are frustrated with this system. We just keep voting between a turd sandwich and a giant douche, and it gets old. So it doesn't surprise me when people feel like voting is useless, it feels like it's hopeless by design. We need a new system.

People get mad when they have a problem and you provide a solution they can feasibly take part in. As soon as they have any agency/capability to take responsibility suddenly they are unable to.

My mother in law famously stopped seeing a psychologist when they told her that she has the power to fix all of the problems in her life. She then spent the next 15 years being an unbearable cunt until her second-eldest had a child and suddenly she doesn't want to fuck up the grand kids as much as she fucked up her own children.