Apple scaling back Vision Pro production plans to – 108 points –
Apple Is Reportedly Scaling Back Production Plans of Its $3,499 Vision Pro Mixed Reality Headset - IGN

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Thinking of Apple kit as Jewelry makes so much sense.

I have a pair of £40 Bluetooth earbuds and recently asked a group of co-workers why they owned Airpods.

They all admitted the sound quality was worse but it has a nifty find my airpod function. Which put me off buying Airpods.

Thinking of them as £200 earrings explains alot. The reason you buy them isn't for a practical purpose but to be seen in them or look pretty (which is entirely subjective).

Can’t say anything about the regular airpods since I haven’t tried them, but the Pros are unparalleled. Impossible to offer anything near that kind of transparency mode without custom silicon, the competition is stuck with what they can get off the shelf.

I understand all of those words but not the sentence.

I know there are differences in sound replication quality, but the difference between high end and cheap kit has eroded over the last 10 years.

Its like comparing 720p to 1080p, sure there is a difference and 1080p is better, but not 10 times the cost improvement. 4k is having the same issues selling itself atm.

No, it’s not about sound replication, that is the easy part. AirPods have both really good active noise canceling, and a transparency mode that does completely lag-free filtered pass thru, meaning that you can hear everything around you and follow a podcast at the same time. They even switch between ANC and transparency if you start speaking to someone. Nobody has anything similar except on paper, everyone else does it with so much lag that it’s useless.