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More Gen Z Americans identify as LGBTQ than as Republican

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If you acknowledge that you can't go there yourself to confirm what's happening, then you're acknowledging that you're accepting the word of someone else. The Israeli government, run by the Likud party and Netanyahu, is a far right government. Do you expect them to just admit that genocide is their plan so that the world will rush in to try to stop them? Leaders in the Likud party have made it clear that under their control, there will be no two state solution. That Palestinians cannot be allowed the right of self determination. Ignore all of the quotes in the South African complaint, look at Netanyahu's recent "from the river to the sea" comments or Tzippi Hotovely's "absolutely not" when asked about the possibility of two states. That mindset is not one that will make Israelies less safe as is it is one that is based in the oppression of Palestinians. As such, Palestinians will continue to rise up against Israel as long as there are Palestinians left to rise up. Israel is now trying to get other countries to accept the Gazan population, because ethnic cleansing is a more palatable war crime. However, it should be noted that Germany tried something similar with its Jewish population, before deciding that if no one would take them, they would need to be removed somehow.

Regardless of whether or not you think this is a genocide, the only route to safety in the region is a ceasefire and a negotiation with the representatives of the Palestinians, which at this time is Hamas. Israel's campaign has only raised support for Hamas in the region, because Israel is acting as an oppressor and Hamas are the only ones standing up to them.

If what Israel is doing is good, then why don't Gazan children have enough food? Or enough medicine? Do you think it is Hamas that are not allowing enough supply trucks through Israeli controlled border crossings? Why did Israel allow babies in incubators to die? Why did they kill people walking under white flags? Why are so many reporters being killed? Oh, well, you probably don't care about them since the only reports that matter are the ones that fit your narrative and anything Israel says.

Wake up buddy. "Western world can do no wrong" is a fucking dream created by colonizers. Which makes it a great fit for Israel, but not so much for reality. Or do you believe that there is something intrinsic in Palestinian DNA that makes them more susceptible to being killed by bombs?

You're not telling me anything I don't already know. You're just oblivious to the overall context and gullible enough to believe everything you hear.

Every report of "bombing civilians in safe zone" that I've seen was a lie. The individuals in the buildings had received warnings before bombs fell.

The only reason this story is unique is because everyone heeded the evacuation; when Hamas spread rumors that the evacuation calls were a hoax, the IDF proved it was real with warning shots. The calls are routine.

You find me a claim of civilians being blown up without a warning where the building and location can be verified, and then you have some credibility to your bogus genocide claims. A warning is sufficient under any legal or moral standard of warfare.

Okay sis, again. Believe what you want. Believe if you want that its somehow moral for an occupying government to call oppressed civilians to let them know that their homes will be destroyed wether or not they stay in the building. Convince yourself that that's not just further terrorism of an already traumatized population. But we're not getting anywhere here because you're not willing to accept anything. You just make more and more excuses for Israel. I'm done. Good bye.

Someone put instrumentalities of terrorism under their buildings. Probably should have stopped them at some point before October 7. Suicide bombings weren't enough to turn Palestinians against Hamas, why would October 7 or having their homes destroyed?