Disposable vapes to be banned in UK as part of drive to curb youth vaping

MicroWave@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 239 points –
Disposable vapes to be banned in UK as part of drive to curb youth vaping

Plans to make vaping less appealing also to include restricting fruity flavours and introducing plain packaging

Ministers are to ban disposable vapes as part of a UK-wide drive to curb youth vaping.

The government is also seeking to make vaping less appealing to children by restricting sweet and fruity flavours, introducing plain packaging and making displays less visible in shops, under newly announced powers. The changes are expected to come into effect towards the end of this year or early 2025.

Announcing the move, Rishi Sunak said: “As any parent or teacher knows, one of the most worrying trends at the moment is the rise in vaping among children, and so we must act before it becomes endemic.”


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Good on them for cracking down on disposables. Absolute waste of plastics, and leaves completely viable li-ion batteries scattered around in the streets, and cause garbage trucks to catch on fire.

Shit move on restricting flavors, though. I'm an adult, I like fruity flavors, just let me have something that tastes nice. They restricted flavors here in the US, and that did absolutely nothing to mitigate teen vaping.

Flavors are laughably easy to mix in tho and with disposable ban refill culture will rise. Though the danger here is that teens will fuck with the refill process as some flavoring is known to be harmful when vaporized.

Tbh I don't get disposables when refills are so much better and hardly takes any effort. I'm pro vaping but totally agree with disposable ban. It's nasty to create so much unnecessary trash.

My local tobacco shop in the US still carries flavored nicotine juice. I thought only Juul got screwed.

They banned flavored pods. That's why disposables took off. Those are banned now too, but enforcement is basically non-existent at the federal level.

Yeah, you can usually still find decent flavors if you buy bottles of juice, which I need to start doing again. I'd gotten lazy and switched back to a pod device (which I still hate because of the massive amounts of plastics), and the flavor options are very limited.