[\#politics](https://blacktwitter.io/tags/politics) [#trump](https://blacktwitter.io/tags/trump) [#fascism](https://blacktwitter.io/tags/fascism) [#BlackMastodon](https://blacktwitter.io/tags/BlackMas

fulanigirl@blacktwitter.io to blackmastodon group@a.gup.pe – 0 points –

#politics #trump #fascism #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter @blackmastodon
Can you participate in a thought experiment with me? The posts warning about fascism are good, but I'm wondering what you think fascism actually looks like. Give a thought, and list what it looks like. Don't just say "the end of democracy." List what the concrete changes will be and make it local. "In my town/city/county/state the following will happen......" Think about it before replying. Not just for #BlackMastodon .


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@fulanigirl @blackmastodon
Forced vaccination. Concentration camps. Children taken from their parents. Social credit score basic income. 15 minute cities. Ban on meat. Ban on home grown farming. No right to drive your own car. Flying only for elite. Vaccine passport everywhere. AI "Factcheck" and report on all conversation text and spoken.

No more memes 😭

Basically all the things that socialists wish for.

@EvolLove @blackmastodon OK you are about to be blocked. But if you have any rational thought left, you should try and think about how the people who support fascism create concentration camps, take children from their parent and make it impossible for average income people to drive or fly now. Not in some imaginary future you are thinking of. No need to respond because you are blocked.