Network Error? to – 4 points –

I keep getting network errors. Can't post anything, load any threads, etc etc. Is this a problem, or a me problem?


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People constantly spruik all the supposed benefits of this stuff but Reddit had lots of people posting about things and didn't keep going down every five minutes...

I could move instance but I don't know what to move to or what the benefits would be or how any of that works.

Some of the major PostgreSQL performance issues are being identified and a fix was installed on the large server today that shows great results. I think once installs that fix, things will improve, and overall the project is looking more at pg_stat_statements and other critical metrics.

I chose an instance with software engineers. Not only because I'm a software engineer myself but also because we have admins that can probably fix any issues with the instance quickly. But I can't confirm whether thats true or not. Just my thought.