Israel ‘hit squad’ kills three in West Bank hospital operation

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Israel ‘hit squad’ kills three in West Bank hospital operation

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Then go tattletale to the mod. Don't complaint here.

Don’t complaint here

Isn't that what you all did when I merely quoted the AlJazeera article to break your false implied narrative that the IDF killed 3 random civilians? Leaving important details out is misinformation. I added an important excerpt from the same article you linked to and you suddenly got "how dare you say they are terrorists".

When tf did I say "how dare you say they are terrorists"? Call them whatever you want.

Don't put words in my mouth.

I never complaint to mods against someone making egregious comments. You want this post removed. So, I say, go to the mods. Don't waste my time.

If you don't want to hear others, you can always block them.