You end up homeless. You have no family, friends, job, in demand job skills, money, credit cards, or car. What would you do to get out of that situation? to Ask – 142 points –

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Also, dishwasher gigs are always in high demand and Chefs DNGAF if you're down & out, 9 out of 10 times if there's an opening you get a shot, show up on time, do the work, what you do on your own time is up to you. Not the most ideal job for some, you'll figure that out soon enough. but it gives you some time to get your shit together.

I've been in the kitchen for 35 years and still spend my time in the dish pit (but now the dishes are MINE).

One hundred percent. I washed dishes while living outta my car for a while. You can also sneak food off plates if you're just a lil careful. Finding work where you can eat on the job is a huge blessing. If you can wait tables, that works too. Anything where you can get paid in cash. Cash is king when you can't have an address for a bank account.

Hehe, also, not gonna lie, I think washing dishes with those overhanging sprayers is kinda fun.

It's a good zen kind of work, you spend alot of time in your own head.

Most of the guys I knew took care (to go/family meals) of thier guys (outdated phrases but fuck that "team" bullshit. Brigade is also acceptable)