Mothers know that this is a wholesome combination.

Flying Squid@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 391 points –

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Apparently it doesn't get chunky. It's pretty popular in Pakistan:

It's not literally 7up mixed with milk, but Milkis is a fairly popular drink in Korea, and can regularly be found in vending machines—or at least could when I lived there in the mid '00s.

Actually tried a couple of those. Must be an acquired taste. Couldn’t stand them.

Same. I bought two at a local Asian grocer near me without knowing what it was, just to try. After forcing myself to finish the first couldn't bring myself to start the second.

Just went to Korea last year, they still sell Milkis in all the vending machines and convenience stores and it's divine. Yogurt soju + Milkis is a recipe for a great fucking time.

It's salty fizzy yogurt, basically. Popular in Iran too, called dough/ayran.

The description of this combo being similar to lassi made it instantly 180 from vile to tasty in my mind. Now how long until I find myself buying 7up and milk at the store..