The Hacker News Top 40 books of 2023 to – 33 points –
The Hacker News Top 40 books of 2023

I came across this list and thought it might be interesting to the programming community here.

Which of these books have you read, or are on your list? Did any have a profound impact on your life? Were any a struggle to get through?


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I've been reading Designing Data-Intensive Applications and it really is a great book, specifically for backend engineers.

That one has been on my list for a while. Are you finding yourself able to easily apply what is taught to your day-to-day?

A lot of it has reinforced my understanding around distributed databases and transactions. In my day-to-day, I've not really had need to use this knowledge as pretty much all our data stores are hosted in cloud platforms and we're operating on low datasets and traffic.