Israel accuses Australia of forgetting ‘Hamas’s culpability’ for Gaza war as ministers consider UNRWA funding to World – 179 points –
Israel accuses Australia of forgetting ‘Hamas’s culpability’ for Gaza war as ministers consider UNRWA funding

As an Australian, no we didn't. We just had it put in context. Jews around the world are great people, the Israeli government and the hardline supporters are absolute monsters. I hope the Australian government tells them as much. Israel deserves no support and everything that may happen when it's withdrawn.


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thank you, honestly nearly deleted it because I felt like it wasn't exactly impartial but it's been so upsetting watching it happen. they're acting like absolute demons, any pretence that Hamas's actions justify any of this went out the window months ago.

Exactly. When a bully gives you a black eye, murdering their entire family and burning their house down is not the appropriate response.

I started this conflict in full support of Israel right to protect itself- wars shit and people (including civilians) die, especially when your opponents hide in civilians protected areas.

But the response is well out of proportion for what they need to do to protect themselves. You don't need to level blocks and civilians deaths need to be minimized.

Israel are horrible, (Jewish people are nice and horrible, like everyone else) but saying civilians deserve to when they lose funding is just as bad. That’s effectively what you’re saying when you say they deserve whatever happens. We need less violence, not more.