Trump bizarrely claims 'they' will change the name of the state of Pennsylvania if he loses it to politics – 521 points –
Trump bizarrely claims 'they' will change the name of the state of Pennsylvania if he loses it

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He was worse for guns than Biden. How the fuck do these people reconcile this shit with their beliefs?

R beside name = good D beside name = bad

I think they write it on the back of their hand just in case too

Being a member of the pro-gun community already requires living in a fantasy. A few more lies and hollow promises shouldn't be a problem for them.

Besides, this shit is easy when you've got no integrity at all. Just say anything. "Trump banned bump stocks so that it could be struck down by the Supreme Court and then the deep state wouldn't be able to take our guns but we didn't vote and pray and donate hard enough so we better go even more cultish and far-right to fix it"


News: "60% of Americans now in support of Trumps statement that KJMBNFLDKSJBLAAAARGHHHHH. And this news channel agrees. This is Kent Brockman, Channel 6, signing off, with a KJMBNFLDKSJBLAAAARGHHHHH you, Biden."

You're joking, but the covfefe thing was almost more ridiculous, given they pretended it was intentional and claimed that an inside group knew exactly what he meant.

Like, how can you even combat that level of stupidity? You'd need crocodiles to get through to them.

That example is so perfect I assume some Trump zealot somewhere is using it at this very moment.

Just yesterday in a thread here on about his NATO remarks, I read a comment: "Trump said he'd pull out of NATO and accused Europe of not paying its bills in order to... strengthen NATO by motivating countries to pay more and it's Trump's merit alone that Ukraine can resist Russia's attack now."

"HEYY! That's a blatant foul! Doesn't the umpire see this? Is he blind?! Wait- what did you say? That's one of ours? WOOOO GOO TEAM, NO FOUL, USA USA USA!"

The state of politics since ca 300 BCE. Now with nukes!