Why Charging Your Gadgets Over 80% Is Such a Bad Idea | iFixit News

Otter@lemmy.ca to Technology@lemmy.world – 457 points –
Why Charging Your Gadgets Over 80% Is Such a Bad Idea | iFixit News

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What? No just a new battery. That's the point.

That's the point of what this guy is saying.

But the point of making batteries not easily removable (besides the waterproofing factor) is that when a repair shop charges them $150 to do it, lots of people will justify putting that money towards a new phone instead.

As someone who works on phones as a hobby, I've seen that the percentage of people who will either hire someone to do it or buy a different phone is near 100. It's absolutely an intentional planned obsolescence.

Waterproofing is a lame excuse that I won't accept from these manufacturers. It may be not as easy as just permanently gluing the thing together, but it's definitely possible to have a sealed battery compartment.

For example cameras have been weatherproof for decades now. And you can both change the batteries and plug a bunch of stuff in them no problem.

They were being sarcastic and quoting something a phone manufacturer would say.