California Bill Would Require Landlords to Accept Pets to politics – 554 points –
California Bill Would Require Landlords to Accept Pets | KQED

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I'm all for this as long as shitty pet owners are wildly prosecuted for the damage they cause.

And don't give me that "emotional support animal" bullshit. I've seen you fuckers and your piss- and shit- ridden slums. If you need an emotional support animal then you probably can't handle the responsibility.

Wait why wouldn't they? People piss and shit and if you damage a rental with it, you're billed for it. I feel like you're very angry about a problem you made up.

Landlords, of course, can sue for damages, but it's almost always in small claims court, and the former tenant is almost always "judgement proof" -- no real assets and no real wages to garnish. These same individuals are often the sort of tenant who allows their pets to destroy a home, let cat urine soak into the floor boards, and so on.

Not everyone, of course. and in fact, probably a very small minority of tenants, but it only takes one terrible tenant to utterly destroy a home.

I wouldn't say made up.

I think they are referring to the times when the cost of damages (think a pet hoarder) outweigh what the deposit would normally cover. Rather than taking the previous tenant to court (if even possible) to pay for the excess, some landlords will just slap on fresh coat of paint to appeal to the eyes and ignore everything else that need to be done.

With cat urine for instance, you may be able to hide the smell temporarily, but unless you replace the carpet/flooring, add an odor blocking primer to other stained permanent surfaces, replace odor-impregnated things like cabinetry or sheet rock, the smell will just keep coming back. It can sometimes be about as bad, cost-wise, as flood/mold remediation.

My friends' mother had several cats and she did not take care of any place she lived in. When visiting her there was a separation of the outside air and inside air which was more "dense", and had a smell which took a few minutes to adjust to. Her rent did not cover the damages she caused; mold, stains, rot if she lived there long enough.

It's actually a bit risky to keep a deposit. If the tenant says you've done so unjustly, and a court agrees, the LL can be sued for triple what they kept. I have an owner occupied two unit and it would really need to be a lot of damage with evidence of intent or negligence. Why risk keeping a deposit and then being sued for triple while still having to carry out repairs caused by a careless tenant or their animal.

My place doesn't make me any money, it's a loss every year, but at least I'm building equity right?

My place doesn’t make me any money, it’s a loss every year, but at least I’m building equity right?

If you're building equity, it's not a loss every year.

Have you ever known anyone who tried to rent out their place? My understanding is that it's near impossible to keep someone's security deposit when they damage your place, if they choose to fight you on it. I very much doubt that non-corporate landlords would be able to successfully collect damages from a renter with pets who trashed the place. This move will absolutely hurt individual landlords in favor of the corporate landlords that can afford lawyers.

Boo hoo. I'll definitely cry for the land leeches. Maybe they can get a job.

Sounds like you're simping for corporate landlords.

Nope. All land leeches are leeches. To quote Adam "The Father of Capitalism" Smith:

"the landlords love to reap where they never sowed and demand a rent even for its natural produce.”

Aren't there typically already clauses within rental agreements about damage to the property (especially when moving out), though?

They aren't that helpful. You can't get 40k from someone who has less than 10k in assets.

I like animals but I don't like the idea of having pets of my own, or go to places where they have pets.

Having said that, you absolutely NOT know what you're talking about.

I absolutely DO know what the fuck I'm talking about. I have pets. My friends have pets. I 'adopt' all of my clients' pets. Know what we all have in common?...hatred and intolerance for shitty pet owners. I have to assume that you're one of them by your response; responsible pet owners aren't insulted by this.

I was about to think that you knew what you were talking about, then I kept reading.

How did you miss the part where I mentioned that I don't own any pets? See? How can I trust that you didn't jump into conclusions so quickly about ALL the people who need emotional support animals as well?

Because I assumed they had been taken from you

Your assumptions don't inspire confidence in what you claim you know.

Let's just leave it at that. Have a nice weekend.

À dog hurt you wen you was a kid ?

No, as an adult. And the owner claimed it was such a friendly family dog before it started to maul my leg because it didn't like my smell.