What are some fun songs to sing karaoke to?

🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️@yiffit.net to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 17 points –

I've seen lists of songs with deep lyrics, songs that are upbeat but depressing at the same time, songs not on the radio, and other things like that... But I have never seen a list of songs that are just super fun to sing.

Some examples of things I like singing are Lewis Capaldi, anything by Chris Cornell (though I wish I could have that awesome gutteral/growly sound in my voice), Cottonmouth, Nirvana, RHCP, Tool, etc. I love long sustains and just dudes and dudettes belting out staccato. The feeling of matching pitch and tone you get in your stomach and lungs as the sounds reverberate together is exhilarating. Not to mention the catharsis of putting your heart and soul into singing along with an angry song when you're pissed.


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Bohemian Rhapsody is always fun.

I will give warning that sometimes its awkward during the Guitar Solo if youre just standing there or not a dancer

Agreed. If the crowd your with is big Wayne’s World fans, it slaps. But I’ve found more often than not, the 20 minute solos kinda kill the momentum. I wish it was better received, as I am a HUGE Queen fan.