Is it possible to create an OS that simply automatically runs .exe files through WINE/Proton/Bottles? to – 71 points –

I really enjoy Linux but I find myself having to keep Windows partitions around for software that specifically requires Windows.

Proton makes everything easier by automatically running game files through a translation layer, and it "just works" quite well most of the time.

Also VanillaOS can apparently auto-spin a container when you try to open a .deb or AUR package (this is my rudimentary understanding).

Setting up WINE/Bottles, etc. is above my pay grade.

Is it not possible to create an OS that just does the same thing as Steam but for the entire OS?


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I feel like there is a scary amount of copyright infringement going on to make it look THAT much like Windows 11.

IDK about copyright, but the amount of times they refer to themselves as "Windows Ubuntu" feels like it's probably trademark infringement. A reasonable person could easily read this website and mistake it for an official MS product.

damn! that is quite the impressive windows veneer going on there. did not know about this distro (and I find the win 10/11 UI to be a whole lotta "meh", so not personally interested), but I am sure there are others who would be. interesting link to throw, hand grenade style, into a distro flame war.