Florida gets closer to banning social media for kids under 16

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 354 points –
Florida gets closer to banning social media for kids under 16

Florida is on the verge of passing one of the nation's most restrictive bans on minors' use of social media after the state Senate passed a bill Thursday that would keep children under the age of 16 off popular platforms regardless of parental approval.

The measure now goes back to the state House, where the speaker has made the issue his top priority during the legislative session that ends March 8. Still, critics have pointed to similar efforts in other states that have been blocked by courts.

The bill targets any social media site that tracks user activity, allows children to upload material and interact with others, and uses addictive features designed to cause excessive or compulsive use. Supporters point to rising suicide rates among children, cyberbullying and predators using social media to prey on kids.


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Still, this should be up to the parents and, imo, all parents should limit or restrict it.

Just to be clear, you're okay with the rapidly-rising suicide rate from children of parents who already choose not do so? Even though there's no sign of a wide improvement in parenting or social media literacy?

I would have killed myself without unmonitored internet access, and many other teens are in the smart boat, the same ones Republicans want to kill

What's your policy solution or position?

There's already a mechanism for bad parenting: take their kids away.

I'm not responsible for bad parenting, and it's not an acceptable reason for bad legislating.

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