Donald Trump calls wife Melania ‘Mercedes’ in CPAC speech to politics – 705 points –
Donald Trump calls wife Melania ‘Mercedes’ in CPAC speech

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The guy who gave his daughter plastic surgery treats women as objects. It's not even shocking. It's not news. It's nothing. It's obvious. The weird part is, that people like him for it.

I usually manage to call my possessions by their correct names. Trump has dementia.

The number of people who don't seem to get that is staggering. He's shown clear signs of cognitive decline since at most 2020. I know mental health and elder care professionals that were noticing it as early ad 2016.

Just watch his interviews from around 9/11. He's still a stupid, pompous, narcissistic, lying piece of shit with delusions of grandiosity, but he could speak coherently and form complete thoughts.

It's likely only a matter of months before he finally sundowns with cameras on him, although I'm sure his handlers are trying their hardest to keep that from happening.

You could have said the same about George W Bush.

There are reels of him saying stupid dumb stuff as a president when he was coherent as governor of Texas.

You could have said the same about George W Bush.

People did say the same things about George W. Bush! He was a horrible president, too!

They like him for it because they wish they could do the same.

I'd like to believe that most of his voting base don't want to fuck their kids. Donnie was just raised in a... special environment, which produced his ah bigly brain

People don't "like him for it" they like him despite it. Just because people like an unlikable person doesn't mean they like everything about him.

They like him because he does the horrible things that they want him to do. He hurts the people they don't like.