The Creators of the Atom Code Editor Open-Source Zed, Their New Rust-Based High-Performance Editor to – 6 points –
The Creators of the Atom Code Editor Open-Source Zed, Their New Rust-Based High-Performance Editor

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I tried it briefly. It certainly is a lot snappier than Atom ever was, I'll give it that. Seemed to be pretty good with Python, but when I opened some C++ source, it went around reformatting my indentation and replaces tabs with spaces. I will have to see if there is a way to disable all that, as I found it obnoxious.

If I wrote an IDE and detected tabs I'd just have it delete the codebase

It was more than just tab conversion. For example, it decided on its own that:

if(...) {
else {

would look better like:

if(...) {
} else {

I mean I guess I could live with that, but really? I imagine there's some config where you can disable all this, but it just doesn't seem worth some giant git commit every time I touch a file with the editor.

Ah I think I found it. I need to go:

    "format_on_save": "off"