File over App Philosophy to – 133 points –
File over app

I personally wouldn't recommend obsidian (mentioned at the end of the article), but still, I think the article is worth reading.


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It's tricky for sure. The plain text is great, and all the functionality is built off of plain text (even the canvas!), but replicating the functionality isn't trivial by any stretch of the imagination. Migration is easier because of the text files, but will it be as easy to see the links between notes? Or query all the notes I need more detail in? Or map it all out visually?

I think reimplementing the core obsidian functionality in a FOSS clone would be fun... except I already have a queue of projects and not a lot of time, so here I am complaining instead 🤷

Logseq is the obsidian foss clone , worth a try

Logseq is a great alternative. It's very much not a clone, though. It has a different paradigm on how it views notes and the functionality isn't exactly 1:1.