Meta’s stock drops after Trump calls Facebook ‘an enemy of the people’ to – 149 points –
Meta’s stock drops after Trump calls Facebook ‘an enemy of the people’

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Funny because that's where a lot of his worshippers congregate and spread their bullshit

True, but they also got really grumpy when their posts started getting flagged as misinformation.

It's funny because all of his recent ordeals is actually getting him to make more sense (even if it's by accident). The other day he said something like black people can now identify WITH him now the government is systematically going after him. I can't remember a former Republican president admit systematic racism is real. The narcissistic wording nearly made me laugh to death.

I didn't catch the actual quote but headlines gave me the impression he thought they were identifying with him as fellow crime committers. The token black guy in my social circle got all 'hell naw' about it too.

Quite a few people here initially thought the same thing. I don't blame them, it's not something people expect from Trump or any US president. Remembering that he views himself as innocent helps with getting the gist of his comment.