Andrew Tate and brother Tristan can be extradited to UK, Romanian court rules to World – 547 points –
Andrew Tate and brother Tristan appear in a Romanian court over UK arrest warrant

Controversial influencer Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan can be extradited to the UK, a Romanian court has ruled.

Andrew Tate, 37, and Tristan, 35, were detained on Monday in Bucharest after Bedfordshire Police said it had obtained an arrest warrant.

The brothers can be extradited only after the conclusion of their separate trial in Romania on human trafficking charges, a judge ruled.

They have been released from custody.


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"Controversial Influencer..." I think you meant, "Alleged rapist, human trafficker, organized-crime participant, and confirmed misogynist Tate..."

Yeah theres no room for the libel law excuse on this one, Tate was literally tried for this stuff.

That wouldn't be an issue even if they weren't tried. Alleged is one of those words that you can add to make it factually correct, as long as someone is making the allegations. Repotrting on facts is always fine (in the US at least). Now the person making the allegations could be libeling them, but not the group reporting it.

But if the reporting organization knows that the person making allegations is libelous then they're also guilty of it. Again, though, none of that matters in the context of Tate.

'Fucking rat criminal and his fucking rat criminal brother get what's coming to them'

A much better headline