Reddit introduces a new ad format that looks similar to posts made by users | TechCrunch to – 734 points –
Reddit introduces a new ad format that looks similar to posts made by users | TechCrunch

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Yes, they're taking from the Apple playbook so people who don't know will think they actually do things that don't involve leather or sheep at Reddit HQ. It's IPO shenanigans.

It's totally possible to hold a negative opinion of something and not bring up your unrelated distaste for Apple.

It's also totally possible to admit that Apple does what I described, frequently. Distaste is irrelevant.

When talking about advertising, though, Apple's actions have been pretty amazing for the consumer.

So to bring up an unrelated negative thing they might do in a thread that has nothing to do with them or their business is kind of weird.

It's like you can't stop thinking about Apple.

It's like you can't stop thinking about Apple.

The advertising worked!

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