Asking a girl out for comic book store date? to No Stupid – 181 points –

I met a girl that I'm interested in and enjoys comics like I do, would something like asking her out to a comic store be dumb? I have a hard time talking to girls so not sure if this would be a dumb idea.


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I didn’t come here to discuss you. And I’m done discussing you.

You might want to re-read your last couple of comments in this chain then, where you were (I guess) trying to take jabs at me to make your point seem stronger, or something? Lol

If you decided to interpret criticism of your advice to OP personally, I can’t control that. Again, I’m not here to discuss your personal issues, and, especially, to soothe your ego.

Edit: also, I didn’t (how could I?) know that you actually live in Canada. I did make a quip adjacent to the “I have a girlfriend! She just lives in Canada!” trope, to express my incredulity in the comment the preceded it, and that was juvenile— for that I apologize.