Behind the scenes, Biden has grown angry and anxious about re-election effort

🔰Hurling⚜️Durling🔱 to – 189 points –
Behind the scenes, Biden has grown angry and anxious about re-election effort

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That might work if it weren’t for the fact that Biden bypassed congress twice to sell Israel weapons.

Until he completely stops sending them weapons and vetoing UN resolutions then he is just as guilty as the people dropping the bombs

Biden is legally obligated by treaty to provide Israel with arms. Not doing so would give those maniacs in the house actual reason to impeach

Can you show me the treaty and what it specifies?

It's the NATO agreement.

Article 5 is the one that got invoked by the Hamas attack

As stated in another thread, at this point Biden has done enough to cover against any legal retaliation however, and 100% command a withdrawal of US support as Israel has actually been using the supplies to commit war crimes

Israel is not a member of nato, and article 5 only applies in Europe and North America.

You might want to reread that

Ah you are correct. They are a non-nato ally as they are out of geographical scope.,relationship%20with%20the%20United%20States.

This world be applicable though.

From what I can tell, that just makes it easier to sell them weapons, not necessary. Feel free to correct me though

That's only a subsection of our obligations. Two paragraphs up are what I was actually talking about. We have multiple bilateral defense agreements with them which essentially boils down to an attack on me must me treated as an attack on you.

Ok. I see multiple treaties there.

So as the person making the claim that we have to send them weapons, I am going to ask you to find exactly where it says we must help them.

You made the claim, you should be able to post why instead of just a link to every treaty we have going right now.

The ways to remedy a bilateral defense agreement depending on the actual agreement (I'm having trouble finding any of the us-isreal ones... So I'm just making assumptions here) usually boil down to supplying military aid or providing military defense.

Essentially the us must deploy supplies or a defense force. I'll keep digging for the actual text of one of these treaties but it might take a bit because the US state departments site is actually just really badly organized.