Here’s the Elon Musk interview that got Don Lemon’s show canceled to – 125 points –
Here’s the Elon Musk interview that got Don Lemon’s show canceled

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Why does this feel lie a viral marketing campaign to get people to watch stuff on X?

"I interviewed Elon, got cancelled and he mad. Watch on X". It just doesn't add up to me.

Edit: It's not on X, apparently. It's on YouTube. So I was probably a little out on this. Very clever viral marketing still, but hopefully not to the benefit of X.

The Twitter deal got canceled, so the interview was posted to YouTube instead. Which, honestly, is the better service for long form video.

It's not on X. But I think it's a viral marketing campaign for Don Lemon. He still sucks but he played Elon like a fiddle here.

The answer is disappointingly pedestrian, I think: it's where the clicks are. What's he supposed to do? Post it on Vimeo and ask people to support him on Patreon?

No conspiracy needed. Lemon doesn't have anywhere else to go.