Video Shows First Neuralink Patient Playing Mario Kart With His Mind to – 287 points –
Video Shows First Neuralink Patient Playing Mario Kart With His Mind

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Maybe I'm cynical, but this seems like something that would be incredibly easy to fake

Like all that fake data on Tesla's self-driving cars

And that robot they were gonna release.

Not the human in a suit, the animatronic one.

What, Elon Musk publishing a doctored video making extraordinary claims as a marketing tool? I can't imagine it.

The fact it's a video game smells of Musk's touch. Anyone else remember all the tweets he made about Tesla running games on the main monitor?

He'd then have to go all the way to the Internet just to lie. Seems like a lot of work to me.

TBH you could replace "elon musk" with "company" just as well. Unfortunately this is general behaviour that has been demonstrated more than once by companies wanting to create hype about their product.