Exam Answer

JPDev@programming.dev to Programmer Humor@programming.dev – 780 points –

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Teaching complete "clean slates" is a great way to re-evaluate your understanding.

I've had to teach a few apprentices and while they were perfectly reasonable and bright people, they had absolutely no idea, how computers worked internally. It's really hard to put yourself in the shoes of such persons if it's been too long since you were at this point of ignorance.

I forget which one, but one of my flight instructor textbooks said "to teach is to learn twice." And BOY HOWDY is that accurate.

You will find no better teacher of expert aeronautics than a brand new student. They will show you a new perspective, every single time.

Second this. I'm a teacher aid and I get to fix student's code for students who are not technically inclined. It's so much fun and I've learned so much McGuivering all that shitty mess together.