Video Shows First Neuralink Patient Playing Mario Kart With His Mind to – 287 points –
Video Shows First Neuralink Patient Playing Mario Kart With His Mind

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I agree, this is not ground breaking in terms of BCIs (in general, maybe in how intrusive it was compared to standard projects using an EEG). Plenty[1] of YouTube videos on mapping certain brain waves to buttons.

[1]: Playing Video Games With Mind Control

Commenting to remind myself later because I'd love to check into this. My hands are achy from years of overuse, so an alternative to physical controls would be amazing.

At the end of the day this company is pouring a ton of money into a technology that could use it, I'm incredibly excited for the accessibility potentials but just so scared of the malpractices that might (and probably will) be going on. Sadly I think most of the "external" BCIs are in the "study" phase rather than any sort of production. If you do find something that is consumer available, please let me know!

Looks like the headset she's wearing in that video (EPOC X - 14 channel EEG headset) is available from Emotiv for $1k, and the software she's using to map controls (EmotivBCI) is something they provide for free. They have 2 and 5 channel headsets for cheaper and 32 channel caps that are more expensive. Seems pretty consumer-ready to me, but I'm sure your EEG activity data gets shared with Emotiv, which isn't ideal.