Linux Note-taking app that supports CalDAV to – 23 points –

Hi, does anybody know any notetaking app which supports sync with caldav server ? I am self-hosting a Radicale server which on android with DAVx5 client and jtx Board app works pretty well! I have searched on web but haven't found any desktop alternative to jtxBoard yet which supports this protocol. Anybody using this setup ?


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Umm. Definitely it's in my to-do list. But for now I just wish Joplin had some caldav features in it :(

Here's a decent guide to setting up WebDAV with Apache if you're interested:

You may need to do some tricks in your reverse proxy to get it to coexist with Radicale under the same domain, but it's doable. Certainly a lot more lightweight than running Nextcloud just for a webdav service.