How do you deal with malicious requests to your servers? to – 146 points –

I put up a vps with nginx and the logs show dodgy requests within minutes, how do you guys deal with these?

Edit: Thanks for the tips everyone!


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Mostly because stability is usually prioritized above all else on servers. There's also a multitude of other legit reasons.

All the legit reasons mentioned in the blog post seem to apply to badly behaved client software. Using a good and stable server OS avoids most of the negatives.

Unattended Upgrades on Debian for example will by default only apply security updates. I see no reason why this would harm stability more than running a potentially unpatched system.

Even though minimal, the risk of security patches introducing new changes to your software is still there as we all have different ideas on how/what correct software updates should look like.

Fair, I'd just rather have a broken system than a compromised one.

Hell, debian is usually so stable I would just run dist-upgrade on my laptop every morning.

The difference there is that I’d be working with my laptop regularly and would notice problems more quickly