JavaScript Bloat in 2024 to – 81 points –
JavaScript Bloat in 2024

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Isn't DOM manipulation notoriously tedious with WASM? That seems quite a showstopper for most client-side js I'd say.

Why use DOM manipulation when you can use WebGL? (half-joking, it's what Qt does)

On a serious note, there are rust frameworks (Yew and Leptos for example) that generate all the DOM manipulation stuff for you. No need to touch JS or the DOM in JS.


I imagine part of the challenge going forward would be the hordes of programmers brought up on designing UIs using a DOM, and all the associated tooling.

My prediction is the situation could be similar to how today many text-only programs assumes a terminal-like device. Terminals have been obsolete for years but I personally feel it's a ball-and-chain on text UI development. The web document model could persist long after web browsers are a kind of "terminal" to load and render web documents.

Got it, but if you expect people to switch from JS to Rust , you're going to be disappointed. That's like asking people who just got their driving license to hop into a fighter jet just because it's faster. JS is a simple language. Its widespread adoption is not due only to it being ubiquitous, but also because it's pretty easy to learn. Rust, on the contrary, not so much.