Port forward to different IP based on destination address in opnsense

doctorzeromd@lemmy.world to Selfhosted@lemmy.world – 14 points –

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/14180956

Hello all you lovely people!

I'm trying to figure out if I can port forward to different servers based on the destination domain.

I have a domain with a wildcard cert and I'd like to be able to route all traffic headed towards "1.domain.com" to a server I'm calling "1". I'd still like traffic headed to domain.com to go to where it's currently going, we can call this server "0", and to be able to have a 2.domain.com or 3 or 4 in the future.

I thought that having a port forward rule with: interface: WAN Protocol: any source: any destination: a url alias including 1.domain.com redirect target ip: local ip

Would work, but it doesn't seem to. Any tips?


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you need a reverse proxy.

I have a reverse proxy, but that won't do ALL traffic, right? Just http or https?

Like if I want to ssh into the different servers, it won't handle that, will it?

you only have one IP. As you rightfully said, reverse proxy does only http(s), port 80/443. this works because of the nature how http requests work. They carry the hostname as part of the protocol (request headers). SSH is a whole other story, since the client does not send the hostname as part of the protocol, only the IP and the port.

What you can do is forward different ports to different machines... 2021 -> server1, 2022 -> server2, etc.

For SSH the ProxyJump directive is awesome. Have one server reachable from outside and then use it to jump to all the others.

Like the other commenter said, that is correct. For SSH, I set up a VM as my SSH bastion or jump host. I connect to that, and the SSH from that to any other machine on the network.

If you control the software stack at both ends you may want to consider Chisel which is a HTTP tunnel for TCP and UDP.

The connections would go SSH client > Chisel client > HTTP reverse proxy > Chisel server > SSH server. The Chisel elements speak HTTP to each other so that segment between them can be routed by domain.

Chisel can also do its own encryption so you can use HTTP and avoid the HTTPS-specific issues about extracting the domain name from the HTTPS connection.