Why your rich friend Venmo requests you for $4: People with more money 'struggle with generosity,' expert says

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 280 points –
Why your rich friend Venmo requests you for $4: People with more money 'struggle with generosity,' expert says

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I had to read a bit to understand what this meant because I didn't know what venmo was, but I have seen people change from being weirdly generous to making more money and fairly quickly becoming irritatingly stingy to the point of nitpicking the rounding when pennies were discontinued.

You sure they're making more money and not just trying to look like they are while balancing a fuck ton of debt? I know people like this. Appearances are everything to them.

The kind that will take food out of their chidren's mouth to buy an expensive car...

I didn't know what it was either. If someone wanted me to send them money remotely, I'd probably use Google Pay or PayPal or something. Hooray for being out of touch with the world today!

A huge reason I don't use venmo is because it just feels like Facebook Banking. I don't need status updates on money my friends are receiving or sending to other people nor do I want other people to know what I do with my money. That shit was so weird to me.

IDK why people make their transactions public. I changed my default to private for that very reason. I don't give a shot what other people are doing and no one needs to know what I'm doing either.

I've been using Venmo for like, 10 years? I would laugh out loud if someone asked me to PayPal them back for dinner.

Good for you but they are the same company

It's not about that, it's more that nobody uses PayPal in a casual social setting. It's like writing a check at the bar.